Participation in Activities of IAEA
1. IAEA Projects :
- Safety assessment of WWER-440/213 (reference plant Bohunice V2, Slovakia)
- Elaboration of a MELCOR code-based severe accident simulator (reference plant Bohunice V2, Slovakia)
- Safety assessment of WWER-1000 (reference plant Zaprozhie Unit 5)
- CRP J4.20.04 “Assessment of the Interfaces between Neutronic, Thermal-Hydraulic, Structural and Radiological Aspects in Accident Analysis”
- CRP J7.20.05 “Evaluation of Uncertainties in Best Estimate Accident Analysis”
2. Preparation of lectures and IAEA training courses:
- Basics of NPP with WWER-1000/320
- Analysis of severe accidents using the MELCOR code (Peking, China)
- RELAP5/3, SCDAP/RELAP and MELCOR application for analysis of design and beyond design basis accidents (Mexico)
3. Participation of international research projects
- OECD/NEA VVER-1000 Coolant Transient Benchmark (main steam line break in WWER-1000 plant)
- BMU (Germany) project “Scientific-Technical Co-operation with Middle and East European Countries”