Projects 2014-2015

  1. Project Management and Engineering Services Unit in SE RAW for consulting services for fulfilment of different tasks for the decommissioning of Units 1 to 4 and  site selection, design, safety evaluation, construction and commissioning of a National Repository for radioactive wastes (As subcontractor to Consortium with Empresarios Agrupados и Nuvia). 
  2. Design and implementation of a system for heatup and cooldown of the metal in the water chambers and the tube plates of the high-pressure heat exchangers with chamber type. 
  3. Design and Modernization of the systems for gas venting of units 5 and 6
  4. Safety Analyzis Report (SAR) and Safety Evaluation Report (SER) for the Spent Fuel Storage (SFS) with a storage technology “under water”. 
  5. Elaboration of a Detailed Design for “Enhancement of the cocks gas system in Duisburg Huckingen” (Germany) as subcontractor to Enemona as a main supplier.
  6. Modernization of the system for radiation monitoring in the SFS (spent fuel  storage), part “Design” – subcontractor to Energo Service. 
  7. Evaluation of the capabilities of the spray pond to retain and maintain stable material and energy balance as a thermal facility.
  8. Specific analysis of the barriers to radioactive releases during operation of Kozloduy NPP at 3120 MW, Topic-2 „Analysis of beyond design basis accident sequences, contract 248000026/24.09.2014 г.
  9. Modernization of the system for monitoring and control of Auxiliary Building 3 (Subcontractor to Westinghouse).
  10. Modernization of the control of the monitors for radiation monitoring type RTM860TS and supply of monitors of radioactive contamination of a body with gamma and beta detectors.
  11. Design of a new supporting system for the pipelines within the trestles of Auxiliary building 3 to units 5 and 6.
  12. Detailed design for mounting of new pipelines for CNCG gasses and condensate in trestle 1  and  Conceptual design of a pipeline inside trestle 1 to the new Chemical treatment facility for Mondi JSC.
  13. Detailed design for new heat exchangers  TS10W01, 02, 03 and cut-off and drainage armature on the lines of VB system, insuring cut off and washing of TS10W01 – 03.
  14. Verification analyses of the behaviour of the compensator of the collector of the 6-th steam extraction of TG-9 (turbogenerator–9) in connection with its maintenance and repair.